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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

so today(wensday) we went out to Mac Arther park where we gave out free waters to the people. it was really cool. something as simple as water can make someone's day. it was great to go out there...we were also handing out fliers for our big turkey give away the 20th, we will be giving out over 2000 turkeys and the side dishes to go with it...Also yestuday we went to the same place Mac Arther park where for our track(dream center teack) we go out and sent up 2 two tables and serve the people food, a hot meal, every time we get there they know were comming so theres a line already, we had alot of short term missionaries there so they got to feed the people and the movement group(6 of us) got to go just talk to the people and tell them theres a hot meal and just talk to them, we got to talk to people who were looking for a church and we got to invite them and pray for them, overall we prayed for like 5 people...before we left we saw a homeless guy sitting a chess table by himself with a chess board and me and my buddy were like lets go over there and talk to him and we ended up playing him in chess(which im OK at, i know all the rules and the peices and stuff...) before we left we got to hand him a flier for our turkey give away and next week were going to go back and hopfully have a chance to play this man in chess again and be able to spread the love God through simple board games and fellowship...GOD IS thing you guys could pray for is the turkey give away that people will come to meet Jesus through our acts of love, and pray that we raise all the money we need to do this, its alot of money but every prayer doesent go unanswered so PRAY...
love you guys!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


so last night(wensday night) we decided to go evangelising...we go on mondays on our day off but today we decided to go, are day ended early so we decided to go and it was cool. everytime we take the bus to the mall but then last night we missed the 730 bus and we would had to wait till 8 and the mall closes at 9 so we just walked around, and it was crazy because me and my friend matt saw these 2 people outside a karate dojo type thing waiting for there little sister to get out of practice and we went to talk to them and we start off by giving this survey of love and beliefs which by the third question were into God already(we do this because more people are open to take a survey then they are if we were to go up and say do you know Jesus?...) but by the 4th question one of the people this 18 year old girl was crying and she said she knows God but doesent go to church anymore and that she wants to go all out for him, it was awesome we got to pray for those 2 people and they said they would come to church! all in all it was like a 45 minute conversation it was good...then as we were going home some of our friends who were with us were evangelising to this 17 year old girl who had been abused many times and was having a hard time in life, she was alittle drunk but they got to talk to her for over an hour and they even gave her a ride home and God was moving...I tell you we only had 7 or 8 people(not to put that number down) so many people said they werent feeling it today or they were busy and when we asked with what they said they were tired like people keep making excuses for themselves but I know this is what were called to do is go out and evangelise and tell people, i know at vca Greg anbd Scott kinda run it and they go on thursdays so everyone talk to them and go do you JOB! and not because you have to but because God saved you so go share that with people!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Stepping up

so its been a couple days and alot of good things have been going on but alot of BAD things have been going on also. let me start with the bad...I would say 95 percent of the program is awesome we have worship and prayer everyday if not multipule times a day and the whole program is just amazing but theres a few things im not big on that just bug me, BUG ME ALOT. the last day or 2 ive been really mad and i know sometimes its ok to be alittle mad, its human nature and as long as we dont cross the line when were mad then its ok. alot of leaders and people here think its ok to listen music that is disrespectful to Jesus(they would never call it that...), music that may cuss and/or speak against the bible, things WE WOULD NEVER DO but they make it seem like its ok to listen to. they say it depends on the person, when it doesent when we accept Jesus we are made new the old is gone and when we listen to horrible music its like going back to our rotten corpse, God is our father and we let this horrible music beat him up and spit on him and we become friends with that music that kills the father right in the heart,we do it by bumbing that in are cars and ipods. its a struggle they have(not that im Mr.Perfect...) that im not going to give up on yet, thats the only major thing bad i have to say everything else is just personal on the bright side there were alot of good things happening here, wensday our day ended early at 3 and rather then chill and rest, they needed guys to help assemble desks and file cabnets so it ended being me and 3 other guys and we spent over 3 hours doing it all for the new classroom floor and all of course for Jesus... also sense thursday(2 days ago) they started funraising for the bug turkey giveaway where we give a couple thousand meals on the 20th so people can make them and have something to eat for thanksgiving, and sense i am so entergetic and crazy The Movement Leadership have decided to make me the Turkey man where i dress up in a turkey suit at all the services(3 a week) and various things throughout until the 20th to raise money for the Turkey Giveaway, so far we have raise an ok amount of money but i know God's gonna shake this place and people will be fed... the best think that happened so far was that we went to evangelize monday at the mall and we invited someone to church just like we always would and it turned out thursday we had our midweek bible study and each week we have a guess speaker and we always end in a alter call and we found out the guy came to the alter and accepted GOD! praise the lord!